Thursday, 20 October 2011

Change of Site

I am glad to announce that the blog is moving to the following address:

Wordpress offers a lot more flexibility and allows anyone to follow via email without needing to have a google account.

Insha'allah I will be posting regular blogs every fortnight or so, as well as smaller posts every now and then. If you wish to receive notifications for all these posts, please register on the new site.

Jazakallah Khair!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Journey to Sayyidah Zainab

This weeks recitation comes from the Mosque of Sayyidah Zainab, a descendant of the Messenger  and one of the greatest people to have walked this earth. It's amazing to think the impact so many females had on this faith from so early on in its history - how sad it is today that we degrade our daughters, sisters and wives to the kitchen at home! 

A portrait of the prophetic lineage inside the Mosque of Sayyidah Nafeesah

My journey here was eventful. It came after having attended one of the most beautiful Friday prayers at Sayyidah Nafeesah. The Imam spoke with an eloquence which is so peculiar to the Arabic language; a poetic touch to each sentence crafted with such fluency and rhythm. Each word penetrates the heart simply by its delivery, allowing the message to flower directly in your heart thereafter. I've never truly appreciated the art that surrounds the Arabic language. Its depth allows such expansive meanings to emerge from such simple words. The most subtle of changes in just the articulation of a word can make the most significant changes to its meaning. Only masters of the language can craft it with such beauty to allow it to resonate out with such brilliance!

After the prayers, I went to find my sandals fearing they would disappear in the midst of such madness - they weren't there. As I searched all over the mosque in the hope that they may have been moved accidently, I was infuriated that anyone could steal inside such a mosque in the midst of such a blessed gathering! But I guess that is the metaphor for this wonderful country; there is a bit of everything here in Cairo!

But before I could even begin to get angry, a funeral procession passed me as they announced a Janaazah prayer would be made upon the deceased. A simple coffin covered in green cloth carried on the shoulders of a few men. In just a few hours, that person, so once full of life and joy, will be buried in the earth with only a stone to mark their name. Their fate is in the hands of creator and the belief they had in Him; with it they will enter the eternal bliss of paradise, and without Him they face the blazing fires of Hell. How insignificant it seemed to be upset over a pair of sandals...

The funeral procession as it passed by towards the front of the mosque.

As the prayer finished, I headed over to the doorman at the front of the mosque to ask if there were any spare sandals I could use and where the nearest place would be to buy replacements. The man handed me a pair of bathroom slippers - a thin souled piece of footwear with a tip which digs into the top of your feet. I was then told the nearest shop was in Sayyidah Zainab, a "short walk" to the right of the masjid...

...that short walk turned out to be over a mile and a half in around 30C heat through the sandy backstreets of old Cairo - but that was probably one of the most amazing journeys of my life. As I trotted along in some bathroom slippers, I passed people whose lives were far more difficult than I could ever imagine, people whose livelihoods had been stolen from them through years of oppression and neglect, people who had risen up against their regime to say enough is enough. It's strange to think how a string of catastrophes can lead to something so magnificent. But when you realise how short and insignificant this world is, you see there isn't really much point in working yourself up over such petty things. The people of Egypt have only just begun to taste the freedoms we so enjoy. I wonder if we can now learn from their example to fight our own internal battles against greed and extravagance? 
"...But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not."
(Al-Baqarah 2: v216)

And here the journey ends at the grave of one of the greatest females this world has ever known. It was after Asr salah on Friday afternoon - this mosque has recitations before every prayer. I did not manage to get the name of this reciter, but his voice was a perfect elixir for a tiring journey!

Please make dua for the scholars, students, Muslims and people in the world today and those before us, and that Allah guide us to become closer to Him in our lives. Ameen

Friday, 14 October 2011

At the (Virtual) Feet of our Scholars

Subhanallah! I was so happy when I saw this that I thought Id post it straight away!

Al-Azhar is now filming and uploading its classes onto youtube for all to see. Sadly it is only in arabic (for now), but nonetheless this video is a wonderful opportunity to see what it is like attending these open classes of these great teachers!

(Note: the video I initiall posted with this blog has been removed. Ive uploaded a link to a different talk but the same things apply!

This is Sheikh Ali-Jumu'ahs class on Usool Al-Fiqh in Al-Azhar. His mannerisms and way of teaching are sublime, and his words are accessible yet thought-provoking. Even if you dont understand arabic, just watch this for a moment.

May Allah grant all our scholars good health and long lives, and enter them Jannah Al-Firdaus - the highest rank of Paradise! Ameen

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Gardens of Paradise

Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet said: 
"When you pass by the gardens of Paradise, avail yourselves of them." The Companions asked: "What are the gardens of Paradise, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "The circles of dhikr[1]. There are roaming angels of Allah who go about looking for the circles of dhikr, and when they find them they surround them closely." 
[Tirmidhi narrated it (hasan gharib) and Ahmad]

Live Qur'an recitation is one of the most amazing experiences available in Egypt, something no video can ever fully capture. Its not simply the beautiful words that are being recited, but the entire atmosphere that fills the room as you witness people visibly moved by what is being said. The words of the Qur'an are particularly sweet when listened to with attentive ears and a reflective mind;

Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Nay, on the hearts there are locks.

Insha'allah, every now and then, I will post up a video of a Qur'an recitation I attend at a different mosque in Cairo. This is with the hope that you listen and reflect on the words that are being said and let it impact your heart.

Todays recitation is from Masjid Sayyidah Nafeesa - the great granddaughter of the messenger  and the teacher of Imam Al-Shafi'. This mosque had a special aura from the moment you step into it. The recitation is particularly beautiful and the hall was packed to the brink before it had even begun! The Sheikh himself apparently led Taraweeh in a Nottingham this last year and sends his regards to everyone in the UK.

Please pray for the safety and well-being of Egypt, Syria, Yemen and all the other countries suffering at the moment. We are living through turbulent times and we should constantly pray for victory of our brothers and sisters suffering all over the world. Also please pray for guidance and forgiveness both for myself and for everyone in this world. Ameen

[1] Dhikr refers to any form of rememberance of God.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Reality Check

As as Muslim living in the west, it becomes very easy to look at the Muslim world and the path of knowledge with rose tinted glasses. Many people have said to me "You must be having the time of your life in Egypt!". In truth, its a real mixed bag and it has its highs and lows. My day is pretty much entirely dedicated to studying and old habits are hard to kick. 

The article below is a wonderfully written piece on the realities a student of knowledge must face. I recommend everyone thinking of studying abroad to read it!

(Taken from:

A Letter to the Aspiring Western Student of Islam

As salaamu `alaykum (Peace be upon you all),

To my dear brother or sister from the West,
You dream of escaping from the rat race and empty materialism of our modern, fast-food culture and traveling to a traditional land of Islam – a land that is exotic and different, steeped in history, where mosques stand firm in every neighborhood and faith is thelingua franca among the people, and where prophets, scholars, and saints have walked.   On a spiritual quest for a pure heart and an enlightened mind, you would sit at the feet of scholars, pouring out your old self and drinking up knowledge that would make you new, until its radiant light filled your heart and soul, emanated through your every cell, and shone brilliantly on your face.
It’s a beautiful, noble, and alluring picture, and if this is something you seek then I ask Allah Most High to allow this desire to be fulfilled, and to give you the opportunity to travel abroad and study.  However, I would also like to share with you some things that you probably didn’t know about taking this path, speaking not as someone who has necessarily tread it, but as someone who has learned a little bit about it and has seen it up close.  I ask Allah to allow us and those around us to benefit from the experiences He has given us.
1.  This path is a hard one, and you need to give it its due.
Seeking sacred knowledge is fulfilling, meaningful, and beautiful, but it also takes hard work, commitment, discipline, seriousness, and a sharp mind and intelligence too.  It is said that, “`Ilm [beneficial knowledge] is jealous: when you give some of yourself to it, it does not give you much in return, but when you give all of yourself to it, it reveals the best of itself to you.”  Giving all of yourself means excelling to your utmost ability in your studies, by having the best of focus and discipline, and by giving life to the information you learn by feeling it deeply with the heart and then implementing it with your limbs.  It is only then that that one can fully internalize the knowledge one has attained, and build on it and grow.
2.  This path takes time to traverse.
Think about someone you would consider a scholar or expert in the fields of history, engineering or medicine, and then consider how many years it took them to achieve that state.  In the same way, it takes many years of study and dedication to reach a level of expertise and scholarship in Islam.
Some people go abroad to study for a number of months or a year or two and then return home with the mistaken impression that they are now fully qualified to join the arena of Islamic scholarly discourse in the West.  I would argue that a person like this is actually more harmful to us as a developing community than someone who hasn’t studied at all.  Being deluded into thinking that one is knowledgeable is much more dangerous than someone who admits that they don’t know, and steps back from forming opinions and calling people to them.
Keep this in mind when you consider studying abroad, and have realistic expectations of the time you will need to reach an appropriate level of proficiency for what you wish to do.  While a relatively short amount of time may be appropriate for someone who wishes to learn Arabic, memorize Qur’an, get an introduction or overview to some of the Islamic sciences, study a particular specialized topic or issue, or just to rejuvenate one’s self spiritually in a Muslim land, such a length of time may be insufficient for the one who desires to be a shaykh or shaykha, a scholar and learned person who can teach others and discuss a myriad of Islamic issues at an advanced level, write scholarly books, etc.
3.  Personal change takes struggle.
Don’t depend on some magical change that will overtake you once you leave the West and come to a Muslim country.  Spiritual struggles are difficult no matter where you are, and getting rid of long-held, deeply ingrained habits will always be tough.  Don’t use your intention to travel as an excuse to procrastinate in taking care of your soul.  You don’t want to be in the arena of knowledge at some future date and still be wasting time, or doing things you know you shouldn’t be doing.
These habits or traits may be unattractive parts of your character now, but they will be even uglier in someone who takes on the mantle of a student of sacred knowledge.  Start now, this day, this moment in purifying your heart and soul.  This is also a way of showing Allah your sincerity and seriousness in wanting to take up this path.
4.  You may get lost along the way.
It’s very easy to get caught up in a particular methodology or understanding of Islam when you study abroad, and it’s often difficult to get a more holistic, broad-based understanding of Islam in the Muslim world.  For example, if you study in Syria or Yemen, you will find a lot of emphasis put on taqleed, the Ash`ari school of aqeedah, the mawlid, and defense and promotion of these ideas, while if you studied in Saudi Arabia, you would find quite the opposite.
Often, students who study abroad return to the West with this baggage of impassioned, unyielding opinions on these issues, transferring these vitriolic debates to the West and centering their classes and programs on them.  This is actually quite nonsensical when the average Muslim in the West may be struggling with much more practical elements of their religion such as raising their children with an attachment and love for Islam, worrying about the acceptability of their business dealings or rulings related to their marriage or divorce, dealing with the challenge of wearing Islamic attire or avoiding alcohol in the workplace, and so on, and for whom Ibn Taymiyyah or Ibn al-Arabi have little relevance to their everyday practice of faith.
Nowadays, we have many young Muslims from the West studying overseas: Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and elsewhere.  In a short number of years, these students, who have studied in such different cultures and with scholars of such different approaches and understanding, will return to the West to teach.  Allah alone knows what will happen at that point: it can either be a time of a beautiful flourishing of scholarship – a convergence of scholars who have taken the best from these different lands of Islam and brought that to the West for us to benefit – or it will be a time of fractioning, division, and argumentation much worse than we have seen.  I ask Allah to help us and make things easy for us.
What’s critical for a student studying abroad is to always seek to relate what one is learning back to the context in which one will implement and practice it, i.e., the West.  If there was ever a time and a place in which we needed people to move beyond these continuously recycled contentious issues, to solving some of our more basic problems and fulfilling some of the urgent needs we have as a community, it is us and it is this time.  We are in dire need of doctors, and not judges.
We need individuals who can move outside of this constant, consuming debate, and work towards constructive change.
Imam Zaid Shakir says on this issue, in the introduction to his book The Heirs of the Prophets:
“Unfortunately, in recent years this paradigm [of Sunni scholarship] has been attacked from within… Leveling vicious, largely uncritical polemics against the four juridical schools, Tasawwuf, and the validity of rational proofs and philosophical formulations in creedal matters, these reformers are wittingly or unwittingly threatening the historical unity of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama’aa.
In many instances, these reformers situate their attacks within the historical context of the Hanbali school, relying on Ibn Taymiyya as their principal referent.  This tendency has led in recent years to what could well be referred to as a neo-traditionalist backlash.  Some defenders of the dominant Sunni paradigm respond to the vicious attacks of the reformers with equal or surpassing venom.  In their zeal, some go as far as to attempt to exclude the Hanbali school from the ranks ofAhl as-Sunnah wal-Jama’aa.  Others, while condemning the reformers who declare the likes of Shaykh Muhyiddin ibn al-Arabi a nonbeliever, themselves declare Ibn Taymiyya to be outside the pale of Islam.  If this polarization continues, our heartland – physically and figuratively – will be torn and divided to such an extent that we will never again be able to attain to the ‘critical mass’ necessary to establish Islam as a dominant socio-political reality.  Individuals blessed with cooler heads must prevail.”
5.  We are in need of creative thinkers.
In many places in the Muslim world you can find scholars with incredible knowledge of classical texts, who have mastered many of the sciences of Islam, who can give you a deep connection to the Qur’an or help you in you personal development and spiritual growth.  But what may be more difficult to find is someone who can help you learn how to translate the knowledge you attain into something you can apply when you return to the West.  We are in need of people who are literate in the culture and needs of the West, and who are also literate in our scholarly tradition, and who can connect between the two.
Specializing is also greatly needed.  How much more beneficial would it be if ten people who went overseas to study Islam came back and one had mastered Arabic syntax and grammar and could teach about the linguistic workings of the Qur’an in detail, and another had become an expert on the fiqh (jurisprudence) of minorities and the modern day issues dealing with that, another in counseling and psychology from a spiritual and Islamic perspective, another in business law, and another in Islamic history, etc, instead of ten people coming back, all donning the title shaykh or shaykha but only having covered the introductory texts in each of these areas, and replicating the same activities and institutions we already have in place?
Before you leave home to begin your studies abroad, be a creative thinker and plan ahead.  Think about what you want to do with the knowledge that you will attain, and how you can use it in a meaningful and effectual way when you return to the West.  Perhaps you need to prepare yourself by doing some studying or research at the university or at home before leaving.
The Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) was a creative and visionary thinker.  When Salman al-Faarisi suggested that the Muslim build a trench in defense of the city of Madina, something that the Arabs had never seen or heard of before, the Prophet ﷺ saw merit in the idea and forged ahead with it.  While they were digging, a miracle of the Prophet ﷺ was that he foresaw that the lands of Shaam, Persia, and Yemen would be opened to the Muslims.  This shows us the beauty of thinking of unique and creative ways to serve our community and to fulfill their needs, and the beauty of looking ahead and contemplating what the results and benefits of one’s efforts will be.
6.  You will miss home.
You will never realize how truly American, Canadian or British you are until you live somewhere else, and you will start to appreciate many things about your home country that never even occurred to you before.
You will become sick of litter and pollution, disorganization, the rudeness of the common people, the staring problem many men in the Muslim world seem to have, food that is different than what you are accustomed to, cultural narrowness, political suppression, over-strictness and traditionalism in the schooling process, getting ripped off because you are a foreigner, un-enforced traffic laws, the obsession of the upper class with everything Western even if it’s something ridiculous, the nosiness of some people, and how straight forward they are in expressing their opinions about you, your dress, or your manner!
You will miss people who understand you, being able to communicate with more sophistication than an eight year old, and not having to think ten times about the grammar of your sentence before opening your mouth.  You will miss not knowing common etiquettes and customary manners.  And you will of course miss your family and your friends, and many other things about your home.
Many of us who grew up in the West look to Muslim world with an enchanted eye, dreaming of lands of scholarship and beauty, free of the negatives which Western cultures possess.  We fail to realize that Muslim lands are not what they once were, due to a number of reasons, both political and spiritual.
My point in mentioning all this is two-fold:  One, Muslim lands are certainly not perfect, and they have their problems and cultural idiosyncrasies and things that will frustrate and sadden you and drive you crazy.
Two, you cannot erase who you are, and where you grew up.  Many of us have hidden away inside of us this strange sort of guilt, that living in the West is not right, or that it’s not really where we belong.  You will, in your travels, see that Allah has caused you to grow up where and how you did for a reason, and through your travels, He may gift you with experiences that help you appreciate the good and the positives of your homeland that you may have often overlooked.
7.  You will find imperfect institutions, teachers, and students.
Frankly speaking, many Islamic institutions in the Muslim world are disorganized, and may be behind the times in terms of methods of instruction and learning.  What you will often find is that these institutes have not maintained the traditional method of Islamic learning, nor have they attained a state of coherence and organization like the Western institutes they seek to imitate.  Similarly, you may find instructors or students not living up to the ideals you had assumed were the standard for those in this field, which may lead you to disappointment, anger or frustration.  In short, you cannot depend on a particular institute or person to make you a scholar, but you have to be active and determined in seeking out knowledge, and finding opportunities to study and learn and make the most of your time and experience.
I hope these words have not taken away from your aspirations to study abroad, but have given you an insightful view into the reality of the experience.  Nothing of true value comes easily, and it’s often in the deepest depths of the sea that the most beautiful pearls are found.  Remembering your purpose, renewing your sincere intentions, and having high himmah – a strong resolve, determination and passion for what you are doing – will get you a long way, by Allah’s grace.
One of my teachers once said, “If your himmah [aspirations] remain on the coastline, you will never see beyond the sea.”
May Allah Most High grant us heavenly aspirations that take us to new shores, beautiful sincerity in our studies, and deep understanding of His religion, an understanding that benefits us and those around us.  May He grant our studies His blessings and facilitation, and make any knowledge we attain a means of reaching His nearness.
Allah knows best.
Wasalaamu `alaykum (Peace be upon upon you)

Friday, 30 September 2011

The Azhar Experience

Al-Azhar is one of the oldest educational institutes in the world, built on the foundations of knowledge and faith with the aim of enriching the population through the love of God. Its services to humanity are countless and the great men and women it has produced have been a great service to human civilization. Before coming to Egypt I knew it was one of the places I had to see. I have been blessed to pray Jumu’ah[1] in many different places before, but very few of those places compared to this.

The feeling of tranquillity and peace immediately comes over you as you enter through the archway of the 1200 year old building, a world away from the busy streets of Islamic Cairo outside. On the other side; a courtyard kept clean and gleaning in the hot summer sun. A humble notice board with a tattered timetable stuck on it is the only point of congregation as students and members of the public note down which talks they wish to attend. All this seems a world away from the personalised timetables delivered by email at university back home – a reminder of the struggle which is required to gain knowledge.

As you continue through the building you enter into the prayer hall, a large, humble building decorated by not by extravagant ornaments or paintings, but by the spirit and wisdom of the great scholars who have taught within these great halls. Rows of men line up in the front lines each engaged in their own worship as they patiently wait for the prayer to begin. As I take my place amongst the congregation, an elderly scholar enters dressed in the famous Azhari gown and turban ready to continue with the age old tradition here in Egypt. In one moment, the whole mosque reverberates with the sound of the Qaris voice as he recites;

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, the Most gracious, the Most merciful”

The next half hour was like blissful paradise as the Qaris[2] recitation echoed through the ancient hall of Al-Azhar, each letter pronounced with a perfection achieved after a lifetime of training, each striking a chord of the soul leaving the person enchanted in its wake. Elderly men sat eagerly at the feet of the Imam, so moved by each verse recited that they would chant praises for the beloved messenger in show of their approval. One man even rose to his feet and kissed the Qari as a demonstration of great love and respect for the words of joy which he brought him. No video can ever reproduce the feeling of sitting there in the mosque; a gathering so blessed with Angels and Saints described by the messenger himself to be “gardens of paradise”. That is what makes the experience so special…

صدق الله العظيم
Allah the Almighty has spoken the truth”

Before long, the adhan[3] resonated from the minarets, signalling to all those outside that the sermon was due to start soon. Under the former dictatorship, all speeches at mosques were regularly observed by members of the secret service, heavily censoring anything that could be said on the pulpit. I wondered how different this post revolution Egypt sermon would be. Would the Imam now be free to address the many problems affecting Cairo at the moment (as it was just a week or so after the last protest where the Israeli embassy had been attacked) or would he play it safe and give a generic sermon? To my surprise his address was very much a bit of both, tackling the many issues Egypt was facing whilst giving poignant advice and stories with which people could relate too, something unimaginable just 6 months ago. This was not unique to Al-Azhar. In a local mosque I had prayed in previously the imam had openly stated the characteristics of a good president for the country and openly invited members of the congregation to attend a public meeting to discuss what reforms were needed in the area. These were truly unprecedented times!

Soon the prayer was over and people returned to their daily business. I stuck around for a while to finish off a book I was reading and wait for the crowd to die down. The mosque quickly transformed back into its serene and tranquil self as people lay down for a short Qayloolah (siesta) all over the mosque. The only sounds to be heard were the slow beats of the fans as silence and tranquillity filled the mosque once more.

 The Main Gateway in to the Mosque

The Courtyard of Al-Azhar

A man sleeping in the Masjid after the prayers

After a while I made my way across the road to Masjid Hussein – a large mosque built next to the grave of the head Hussein, the grandson of the Messenger . His story and death is one of the darkest moments of human history as his body was decapitated after his death leaving his body in Karbala and head in Cairo. In his honour, thousands come and send their Salaams to the ‘master of the youths of Jannah’, full of love for the family of the messenger .

Masjid Hussain could not have been contrasted more with Masjid Al-Azhar. From the outset you are met with crowds of people as everyone from shoe shiners to perfume sellers eagerly clasp you by the arm to make their ‘sale’. After you eventually wrestle past the ‘merchants’, your met with a sea of songs and praise from all quarters of the Masjid in praise of their prophet and his family. Never have I been in such a spiritual environment so full of joy and happiness, buzzing full of activity from men giving away free sandwiches as charity to people sitting against the pillars meditating. Each couplet that was sung echoed through the masjid to be met by eager listeners who enjoyed the eloquence of the words they heard. Though the mosque was completely different to Al-Azhar, it still carried that same feeling of peace and tranquillity which manifested most through the faces of those within the mosque. It’s a feeling that’s impossible to describe – something that you simply have to be a part of to understand why such gatherings are so blessed.

A group singing a Nasheed about the Prophet

As I sat down and listened to one particular group singing a song along the lines of “Our Master Mohammad is the moon…”, it struck me how within such a small area of Cairo you could get such a massive contrast in faith and practice yet everyone harmoniously got on. How often do we struggle in our relationships with our families and communities because of differences in faith and practice, yet here was a community which housed so many different varieties of practice but all accepted each other in peace. Each had their evidences and reasons for what they were doing and left to do what they wished.

Tomorrow is another Friday in Cairo and another mosque to be visited, but few will ever match the same environment that Al-Azhar has to offer.

[1] The congregational Friday prayers held every week.
[2] Qari is the word used to describe a person who reads the Qur'an to a group of people
[3] The call to prayer sounded just before the congregation for the obligatory prayer is about to start

Saturday, 17 September 2011

A Rollercoaster Ride

It is said that upon seeking sacred knowledge, a person will face the greatest obstacles as Satan aims to divert the person from seeking the path to his Lord.

This has certainly been the case in my experience of Cairo so far. Never have I faced such a rollercoaster of emotions during such as short period of time, having to deal with the stresses of finding a flat, leaving my family and friends and adjusting to this new environment. But Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an;

And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good. (Al-Ankabut 29:69)

There have been different moments over the past week where I have felt the highs and the lows of studying abroad. At each of these points, I wrote and thought about different posts to blog about but never got round to publishing them. Instead, I have collated these different posts and posted them below under one big blog in chronological order. This will help give a sense of perspective of the journey I have been through so far:


The departure lounge; the most diverse part of any country, rich in human races, religions, emotions and languages. From those looking forward to a nice trip abroad to the others bidding their loved ones goodbyes, you are sure to find a whole mixture of the lot, alongside a nice chunk of materialism too!

The Departure Lounge as I wait for the Plane

So I guess for me this is where the journey starts as I sit here waiting for my (delayed) flight to Egypt. For something I have dreamed of for so long, I cant help think that the initial taste seems so bitter. With the prospect of 7 months of complete dedication to education and soul searching, all I seem to be able to think of now is the people I am leaving behind. 7 months seems so long…

To be honest, the magnitude of what I am doing never really hit me until the moment I kissed my mother farewell for the last time in months. I was so caught up in my dream of of what I was about to pursue that I scarcely stopped to think of what I’m actually leaving behind. But seeing my mother’s tears as I left the door is something that is shook me hard.

But that’s what makes parents so amazing. In that moment of misery, just as I began to rethink what I was going to do, my father reminds me of the Hadith of our beloved messenger ; “whoever sets out on a path of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to paradise”[1] then with a gentle reminder; ‘what knowledge can come except through struggle’.

So I guess here is where that struggle starts and the path begins. May the path be made easy and the difficulties a means for learning. Ameen.

For Every illness is a cure

In truth, had I been writing this blog just 5 hours ago, it would have taken a very different tone. Never have I been through so many tests and trials as the one this week, so many frustrations and elations all in the space of a week.

But it’s amazing how a few moments can turn the sourest day into the sweetest one as all those troubles you went through suddenly become worth it for that moment. The Prophet taught us, "Allah has not sent down an illness without sending down a cure for it."[2] Rarely have I known something to be so true!

The past week has been a struggle as settling in has proven much harder than I envisaged – home sickness at its worst! The first symptoms manifested at the hotel I was due to stay in. Having barely slept on my overnight flight, I arrived at 6am to the overbooked hotel I had booked into for that evening and told there were no available room until later that afternoon. When I returned later, the hotel staff informed that my room had been flooded and no other room was available. Next was finding a flat; a task which proved a lot harder than I thought! Still recovering from its recent revolution, many of the foreign students in Egypt left as affairs became unstable and many are yet to return making finding a flatmate would be very difficult. This obviously changes the whole plan as renting a flat on your own is a lot more expensive than anything I had budgeted for. All this was accompanied by a complete unfamiliarity of the country, a constant chance of being ripped off, a massive change of climate and terrible homesickness. This wasn’t the knowledge seeking experience I was expecting!

Al-Azhar Mosque just before Mughrib, the sunset Prayer 

But as mentioned before, to every illness is a cure! One by one each of these problems solved itself in a way far better than I imagined. I was upgraded to a bigger hotel room (after some complaining and an attempt to switch me to a different hotel), given the keys to a wonderful family friends flat to stay in till I was settled and met a wonderful bunch of people who have helped me out tremendously in my time here in Cairo.

However, all that seems like nothing compared to what I was blessed with this evening. Like honey, it takes a long struggle and hard work before you can taste something sweet and beneficial. This medicine was a cure to all my ailments as I was reminded of exactly that which I came to seek – the knowledge blessing of the scholars.

Cairo has a long history of great scholars and people in its city. It is difficult to understand what effect these people have on a nation until you have the blessing to sit in their companionship and watch how they interact. Today I was invited to the house of the scholar I am due to be taking classes with during my stay here. Despite having never met before, we met as if we had long known each other as he treated me with the utmost respect and hospitality. As I arrived in my taxi, he stood on the side of the road waiting to pay the driver before I could, turning to me with a wide embrace and gentle smile saying “welcome oh Sheikh Talha”. He then led me to his home stating how happy he was that I had come and offering his complete service for anything I wished during my stay here. As I entered, I was presented with a whole host of different foods and drinks as we sat and discussed a syllabus which I would take with him of the course of my stay in the city. Even as I was leaving, he turned to his book shelf and pulled out a present which he wished to give to me upon our first meeting. He then accompanied me all the way to the bus stop and ensured I could get home safely before returning to his home.

A group of brothers sitting inside Al-Azhar

It’s hard to describe the effect that all has upon you. Here I was, a complete stranger being welcomed as a long lost brother and treated as though it was me doing him a service. This behaviour wasn’t exclusive to the scholars. It was as true when I was trusted with keys to a flat to stay there as long as I liked and treated to a wonderful meal at one of Cairo’s finest restaurants by someone I just met. It was true when I met a friend of a friend through Facebook, treating me as his closest companion (yes – we did have a game of Fifa!) and driving me around the city to help me get whatever I needed. It was true when a distant family member met me as though I was his own brother, helping me find the flat I now stay in and constantly calling to check if I need anything. Such magnanimity and good character is sadly so scarce in the west and is dying even amongst Muslims, but when it is found it has a long lasting impact on your soul…

"Allah has not sent down an illness without sending down a cure for it."[3]

Reliance upon Allah

The greatest lesson for me so far has been that of trust. I remember speaking to a friend when I first arrived expressing how difficult things were getting. Their words were simply “Have trust – Allah does not despair those he loves.”

Since then, I have learnt how wise these words are. For anyone seeking to do something for the sake of God, do not despair when things go wrong as verily that is simply a test to see how sincere you are.

لا تيأسن فإن اليأس كفر
Do not despair for verily it is denial
إن مولاك عزيز غفور
Verily your guardian is victorious, forgiving

Alhamdulillah, God has blessed Cairo to be a daily reminder of trust and reliance upon the creator through means of its driving. As I describe to my Egyptian friend, to cross a road here, you walk and pray the cars pay attention to you!

So to finish this blog on a lighter note, heres a video I took whilst heading to pray mughrib in the mosque. It was on one of the busiest roads in Cairo and this was literally the only way to get to the mosque! Here it goes:

[1] Narrated by Imam Muslim
[2] Bukhari, Hadith 5354, Chapter 79; The Book of Medicine.
[3] Bukhari, Hadith 5354, Chapter 79; The Book of Medicine.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

"Verily Actions are by their Intentions, and for every person is what he intended..."

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, The most Gracious, The most Merciful
الحمد لله رب العالمين
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
وصلاة وسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
And we ask him to send his peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.

Before coming to Egypt, I was debating with myself for a long time as to whether to keep a blog whilst out here. Many people encouraged me to do so as they wanted to see how it all went. However, my worry has always been that it distracts me from my studies and the spiritual experience this is meant to be. Wasn’t the purpose of coming here that I live life completely isolated from things back home in order to absorb the environment around me?

After much thought, I decided that having a blog would be of enough benefit to merit it being set up. Travelling abroad to study Sacred Knowledge is something many people dream of doing but few get the chance to ever go. Also, many of those who do go have very little knowledge of what to expect. Having been here for less than a week, I can truly say that the image I had in my mind is certainly very different to the reality. My aim through keeping this blog is to share some of my thoughts and experiences over the short time that I am here; what things I learn, feel and experience as the time passes by.

My hope is that this this is as informative to people as possible. I will try and be as honest as possible throughout to really try and paint an image of what things are like out here. My aim is then to inspire many others to take the leap of faith and follow in the footsteps of the many great scholars that have taken the path of sacred knowledge before as the west is truly in need of a spiritual revival. Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said;

"For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise." 
[Related by Imam Muslim]

So my intention is that my writings here will hopefully be of some benefit to people back home in the hope that others may be inspired to do the same. Any comments and thoughts would be appreciated. I will try my best to reply but please be patient with me insha’Allah. Please pray that I am accepted onto this path, because truly knowledge is only granted by those whom Allah accepts. Imam Shafi’ says in his famous poem:

شَكَوْتُ إلَى وَكِيعٍ سُوءَ حِفْظِي
I complained to Waki’ about my poor memory:
فَأرْشَدَنِي إلَى تَرْكِ المعَاصي
“Give up your sins!” was his advice to me;
وَأخْبَرَنِي بأَنَّ العِلْمَ نُورٌ
“For knowledge is a light from Divinity,
ونورُ الله لا يهدى لعاصي
and the Light of God is veiled by iniquity!”

Jazakumallah Khair and peace be upon you all.

"Verily Actions are by their Intentions, and for every person is what he intended."
[40 Hadith Nawawi]

Talha Ghannam